The toddler age is a fun age, kids are starting to master running and jumping. If you watch a toddler for a day try counting the amount of times that child has crashed into things or fallen off of things. A lot of parents think when a toddler has some issues with back pain it can be due to growing pains. The reality is those pains are probably more related to your child being a daredevil and not understanding basic physics vs a growth spurt.
Knowing how adventurous these little humans are, its a safe assumption that they need chiropractic care in their early development to help prevent any possible future issues. In the video below you can see Dr. McCarthy treat a 2 year old. As you will watch, the treatments are effective and the toddler is not afraid or in pain.
If you currently have a toddler and want Dr. McCarthy of Plainfield Spine And Rehab to check out their spine, click on this link below: